10-10-10 Rule
Better decisions
| Frame of the outcome of a decision across three timeframes.
5 Whys
Understand core reason
| Asking why multiple times helps us understand the core reason
Decrease negative emotions - Stop judging
| Accepting as it is decreases all the negative emotions such anger, anxiety, shame, fear.
Align Expectation
| Clarifies the decision
Increases decision making
| Helps finding a way forward
Better decisions
| Some actions have disproportional returns. Helps us identify actions with huge upside and limited downside.
| What you give attention to grows, what you don't declines
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| Coming soon
Breakdown Goals
Increase progress
| Just by going a little more we can make a lot of progress
Better Decisions
| Put an artificial deadline to make decisions
Desire Source
Better decisions
| Understanding where your desire comes will allow control over the decision
Devils Advocate
Thinking from the opposing side
| Coming Soon
Dopamine Identification
Decreases procrastination
| Seeking dopamine increases our likely hood of being unproductive
Understand systems
| Everything requires energy to keep it at its non-default state.
| Executing to the end brings results. Leaving it doesn't
First Principles
Decision Making
| Increases chance of right solution
Increases positive thoughts
| Being grateful helps us look from the positive angle.
High Agency
Removes limiting beliefs
| High agency people look for ways to overcome a problem rather than accepting it as their limit.
Coming soon
| Coming soon
Hourly Rate Principle
Better time allocation
| Use your hourly earnings to calculate time costs while deciding between two options
Identity Change
Upgrade habits
| Changing our identity has stronger impact than changing our habits
Intuitive Thinking
Better decisions
| Our subconcious has more data & computing power than our concious. Can give better results than the thinking mind.
Avoid stupidity
| Breaking crippling habits is easier than seeking brilliant solutions
Luck Surface Area
Increase luck
| Keeping our accomplishments to ourselves limits us from gaining its full potential.
Mental Momentum
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| Coming soon
Increases output
| Increasing motivation increases output
Next Step
Make more progress
| Go an additional step
Stop Judging
Stop Judging
| Coming Soon
Observe Relationship
Better decisions
| Observing our relationship helps us determine its benefit
One Thing
Identify high return actions
| 20% of the input gives 80% of the output
Oppourtunity Magnet
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| Coming soon
Understanding whats required
| The reason something not happening is because it hasn't met its prerequisites
Principle of Charity
Better Judgement
| Assume the best interpretation of people’s arguments to increase their accuracy
Decreases burnout, increases consistency
| Having a process & aim instead of goals make it more likely achieving it.
Quest Assignment
Creating own path
| As quests get externally assigned we can not cultivate internal quest assignment skill
Saying No
Decreases being exploited
| Saying yes to requests because you don't want to upset people can cause problems.
Understanding Systems
| The rules of systems change at different scales
Second-Order Thinking
Better decisions
| Think beyond the immediate impact of a choice and considering the longer-term, indirect effects.
Makes easier
| Reducing complexity will increase understandability, success rate, growth and many other things.
Increases chance of accomplishment
| Running a mind simulation makes it easier for one to accomplish their goal
Stop Over Planning
Being more present
| We occasionally get stuck in a loop where we non-stop simulate an interaction. Planning something once is okay but non-stop is unhealthy.
Increase good things happening
| Sharing our thankfulness increases the likelyhood of the same action happening
Top 5
Increases health
| Once a person resolves these 5, they will be 90% to a happy healthy life.
Increase elasticity of mind
| Not having concrete beliefs, helps us leave our current path/decision/actions for better ones.
Take correct actions
| Understanding enables us to find sustainable solutions
Value Creation
Increase wealth
| Certain % of the value created can be captured
What I want
Clarify goal
| Aski 'What do I want?' daily.
Working People
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| Coming soon